MySQLm Docs - Connecting - back

How to Connect?

    # The first and easy way to connect to an MySQL Server is to use auto-connect:

    # Including MySQLm [See or]
    include '';
    // MySQLm::__construct takes 5 arguments: server, port, user, password, database 
    $msql = new MySQLm("", 3306, "myusername", "userspassword", "databasename", "charset");
    $msql->dispose("acc", "x"); // Closing the connection and destroying the Object internaly

    # The second and also easy way to connect, is using connect();

    # Including MySQLm [See or]
    include '';
    // MySQLm::__construct can be used without any real arguments
    $msql = new MySQLm("", "", "", "", "", "");
    // MySQLm::connect takes the same 5 arguments as __construct: server, port, user, password, database
    $msql->connect("", 3306, "myusername", "userspassword", "databasename", "charset");
    $msql->dispose("acc", "x"); // Closing the connection and destroying the Object internaly

    # The third way is to connect without a given database and manualy use one

    # Including MySQLm [See or]
    include '';
    // MySQLm::__construct can be used without any real arguments
    $msql = new MySQLm("", "", "", "", "", "");
    // MySQLm::connect_ndb only takes the same 4 arguments: server, port, user, password
    $msql->connect_ndb("", 3306, "myusername", "userspassword", "charset");
    // Manualy running the USE command
    $msql->executeUse("USE databasename;");
    $msql->dispose("acc", "x"); // Closing the connection and destroying the Object internaly