MySQLm Docs - Changing - back

How to Change Database?

    # Including MySQLm [See or]
    include '';
    # Creating MySQLm Object with direct connect [ See or]
    $msql = new MySQLm("", 3306, "myusername", "userspassword", "databasename", "charset");

    // MySQLm is connected to "database", but what if we want to connect to "shop_database"?
    # We do this:
    # MySQLm::executeUse(); executes a SQL Querry, it automaticly wants to use a USE command,
    #   so you need to give it a database name.

    // OR
    # MySQLm::changeDatabase(); executes a SQL Querry, it automaticly wants to use a USE command,
    #   so you need to give it a database name.
    ## It is the exact the same thing as executeUse!

    $msql->dispose("acc", "x");